Life groups questions & notes

by | Jun 25, 2023

I am the way, the truth, and the life…Now that you know me, you know God…
John 14:1-14

Questions for Life Groups

  1. Read a portion of Jesus’ words spoken at the Last Supper in John 14:1-14. What does this text mean for you? How does this text affect what you tell people about yourself? How does this text affect your life purpose?
  2. Read this week’s articles titled Oneness. What thoughts and feelings arise when you think about the universe continuing to expand? Have you found your tribe? Who are some of the members of your tribe? What does love feel like for you? What does it mean to you to be one with God?
  3. How can the members of your group help you this week and on-going to help you to be more receptive to hearing and understanding the Word of God? Pray for each other to have the Holy Spirit bless you with more courage.
A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.