Attend a Service

Join us each Sunday at 10:30 am at the Asbury Main Campus for a Spirit-filled encounter with God. Our worship experience is relaxed so come as you are. Volume levels are usually not a problem, but earplugs are available just in case. Come join us and sing along to the latest contemporary music. Try to arrive around 10:00 am to enjoy our refreshments in our café and good conversation just outside the worship area on the main floor. Facemasks are encouraged for the unvaccinated or vulnerable.

Easter Sunday
Join us on Easter and help us celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is a special time of year that calls for a special service. Our doors open at 10:00 AM and our service begins at 10:30 AM. Come alone or bring friends, family, and strangers. Can’t make it on Easter? Join us on any Sunday at 10:30 AM for our New Beginnings service.

Coffee Connection
Join others outside the main sanctuary in the Café for conversation, beverages & treats. The Cafe opens at 10:00 on Sundays. You are welcome to take your food and beverage into our worship center but please use a lid to help prevent spills and take extra precautions to lessen the workload of our volunteers who work hard to keep our spaces clean.
Worship at Asbury
Our 10:30 am worship experience at Asbury is called New Beginnings. Come and experience a variety of musical styles most with a contemporary sound. Less structured, less formal but highly energetic and fun. Know that the Holy Spirit of God can ripple through every fiber of your being. Let go of whatever may keep you from singing out like you truly believe that Jesus is risen. Stand as you sing, lift your arms or clap as the Spirit leads you. Plan to arrive early to grab a coffee and have some conversation before worship begins. We prepare our hearts for worship by singing praises to God through song or other artistic expressions such as spoken word poetry. If you feel called to be one of our praise leaders, whether vocals, instrument, dance or other artistic expression please let Cyndi, our praise team leader know. We welcome all artists and encourage your participation.
We welcome children and youth to participate in service. Each worship experience has an overall theme that the planners and pastor use to tie the various expressions of our faith together. Our worship series explore common themes for several weeks with each experience offering faithful expressions of our shared beliefs. If your first visit is during the middle of a series you will not be disappointed nor will you feel lost. While it is true that you will have missed something of value do not let this cause you to miss what God has in store for you the week you are with us.
We use electronic media to make our experience of worship more meaningful. While our screen is large be sure to sit close enough for you to see the screen easily. Our news items scroll prior to service beginning so be sure to check out what’s happening at Asbury. There will also be a newsletter that will have more in-depth news about the work of Asbury.
God’s Word is always an important part of worship read from a translation that is more likely to be understood by all present and the text is projected to allow you to follow the reader. Our community prayers are intended to be “prayers of the people” spoken in faith and love knowing that each of our hearts are already known by the Creator that we know is listening.
Pastor Tommy’s messages reflect both his deep love of Jesus Christ and his informal style of delivery. He uses a consistent process of discernment that allows him to proclaim the good news of the Gospel week after week. Pastor Tommy’s messages are informal and anticipate your participation in whatever way the Holy Spirit may move you to respond. Each week’s message uses our worship theme as the core of the message which is always based on God’s Word as it applies to our lives.
We hope that you will join us after worship for so that we can get to know each other better.