Pastor Tommy

Pastor’s Book Club News

Pastor’s Book Club News

We began reading and discussing Praying with the Church by Scot McKnight as the Season of Lent started in March. We plan to finish our study next week and turn our attention to Easter. 1 We chose this book as a study during the Season of Lent because of the importance...

Soup: The better Choice

Soup: The better Choice

Most mornings, my breakfast includes two pieces of veggie bacon. Ordinarily, I avoid foods created in a laboratory rather than grown in their natural habitat. However, in this case, there is the slightest hint of a taste that offers fond, albeit redacted, memories....

Fish: You feed them

Fish: You feed them

This past week, our non-profit submitted a proposal for funding to the Healthy Food Financing Initiative. Our proposal requested funding to support the purchase and renovation of a building to house a program we hope will help reduce food insecurity among Flint...

Grain: Sabbath connections

Grain: Sabbath connections

I love mornings. I refer to mornings as my holy time. For me, mornings are spent with God. One of my favorite activities is writing in my prayer journal. I'm very much a visual learner, and seeing words makes them come more alive to me than hearing them. This is my...

Stew: Turn “what” into a meal?

Stew: Turn “what” into a meal?

I was diagnosed with myopia shortly after I started High School. I noticed that I was having trouble reading what the teacher was writing on the chalkboard. Worse, I couldn't see the scoreboard from mid-court. So the coach had to yell out how much time was on the...

Coming up in Worship

Coming up in Worship

Feedflint hoop house ready for harvest … credit Asbury Farms The Season of Lent is a special time of year for the church. The diversity of ways in which churches around the world experience this season offers insight into the different ways that people experience the...

Pastor’s Book Club News

Pastor’s Book Club News

Our group finishes with Postcards from Babylon on the first Wednesday in March. Our next selection, Praying with the Church by Scot McKnight, will take us through Holy Week. Altogether we plan to spend seven weeks with this book. 1 Prayer is a practice that the vast...

Fruit: the Lamb and the Lion

Fruit: the Lamb and the Lion

The separation of Church and state is just one of many battlegrounds that prompt public debate among legislators and persons who spend regular time in pews. For example, an opinion piece written by three professors at the University of Virginia School of Law claimed...

Interference: Riding on donkeys

Interference: Riding on donkeys

Anyone who has an email address or spends time on the internet knows that not all content is safe to download to your computer or phone. There is the risk that a download will install unwanted code on your device. Sometimes the unwanted code is just annoying. However,...

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.