Pastor Tommy

Pastor’s Book Club News

Pastor’s Book Club News

Our theme for December was Going home. This theme led us into weekly conversations about home as we wrestled with what home means for each of us. In addition, we celebrated the Season of Advent by studying the ancient prophecies that promised the coming of the...

Wilderness experience

Wilderness experience

Cyndi and I enjoy watching reality shows that feature individuals living in the Alaskan wilderness. Neither of us have a desire to live alone in the woods. Rather, we’re fascinated by the creativity and grit that these rugged individuals discover within themselves to...

Welcome home1

Welcome home1

Our Christmas Eve worship tells the same story every year. Oh, we try to tell it in different and exciting ways. One year we told the story through the eyes of Mary's donkey that we affectionally called Dusty. I recall another time when we told the story using several...

Rhythms: Keeping home1

Rhythms: Keeping home1

By Christmas Eve, according to our series schedule, we found home. We found that place where we feel hope, peace, joy, and love. We found home, not in a physical space, but in our connection to Jesus Christ. Christmas is over. Most of us ate far too many cookies and...

Love: The blessings of home1

Love: The blessings of home1

A popular sitcom aired for eleven years called simply "Cheers." The show's name is a play on words since cheers is a common expression heard in bars that is said as a person takes their first sip. The show is best known for the ending line in the theme song that sums...

Joy: The joy of home1

Joy: The joy of home1

Oxford High School students gathered for a candlelight vigil… Credit: Nick Hagen for The New York Times Tuesday, November 30, was supposed to be an ordinary day for the 1,600 students attending Oxford High School. The vast majority of them got up the same time they...

Peace: The fear of home

Peace: The fear of home

Are you a Flintstone? I love this play on words, even though I realize it doesn't apply to me. I have no claim to being a Flintstone unless I pass some time test after living here for over ten years. Some say that Flintstones are persons who were born in Flint. I...

Time to go home: A search for normal

Time to go home: A search for normal

The pandemic has proven pervasive and invasive. Michigan is again at or near the top of new COVID cases. A lack of cooperation, absurd conspiracy theories and outright lies conspire to thwart the efforts of our health professionals to protect us. And we’re faced with...

Urgency: Such a time as this1

Urgency: Such a time as this1

I have a round wooden token on my desk that I received while attending a seminar. It was at least 20 years ago, and I've long forgotten the subject matter. The token has the words printed on one side: "Round Tuit." Reasonable guesses as to the theme of the seminar...

Purpose: Next steps1

Purpose: Next steps1

Meryl Feinstein grew up surrounded by expectations reinforced by her parents, her school, and others. The expectations were straightforward. Meryl was expected to go to college and get a job. So explaining to a Washington Post journalist how she managed to start her...

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.