Pastor Tommy

Ginormous: The way of gentleness

Ginormous: The way of gentleness

I googled “gentleness” and found an article on the seven habits of gentle people.1 I wondered how this list compared to the seven habits of successful people. Are successful people gentle? The author made a bold claim in his title. He claims that gentleness is a sign...

The Way: Coming February 10

The Way: Coming February 10

The Way is our next worship series. The main theme is about the gentle way of the Prince of Peace. This mini-series is a collaborative effort with Court Street Church. It is an opportunity to bring our two communities closer together in spirit. Of all the difficult...

Complicated: Playing the hand you’re dealt

Complicated: Playing the hand you’re dealt

A good friend once told me about a problem he was having with someone close. I won't go into the details here, but what is essential to our topic for this week is my friend's response when I asked a simple question for clarification. My friend said, "It's...

God power: Speaking of miracles

God power: Speaking of miracles

There is a story in the Bible that grabs my attention and stimulates my imagination every time I come across it. You can find it in the Book of Daniel. We named our current worship series after the prophet that headlines in this book. We call it the Daniel Plan. This...

Friends: Others will know

Friends: Others will know

Most of you know that until a couple of years ago, I was a runner. Shortly after I moved to Flint, I joined up with a group of people that call themselves the Flint Area Year Round Running/Walking Groups. You can google them. You can join their Facebook Group. You can...

Holy goals: Pathway to better health

Holy goals: Pathway to better health

Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever said to yourself, “This time is going to be different!” Sound familiar? Whether it is this time or this year, I believe that we have all tried to inspire ourselves with this resolution. “This time…” the outcome will be...

True worship: Let God transform you

True worship: Let God transform you

Holiday celebrations are behind us. Another decade is behind us. Years from now, when our children are much older, they may look back at the last decade with nostalgic recollection. This happens to all of us to one extent or another. We reframe and rewrite our history...

All in: A new decade begins

All in: A new decade begins

This Sunday is our kick-off for the Daniel Plan, and it is the last Sunday of the decade. In a few days, we will begin 2020. A new year and a new decade. What are your hopes for the next ten years? You all are at the top of my list. My hope is that everyone in our...

Emerge: The power of beauty emerging

Emerge: The power of beauty emerging

There are times when it can take days before a single verse of scripture rises above the rest to lodge in my spirit for a coming Sunday’s message. I use a process of prayer, reading scripture, and reflection and this process became the emerging metaphor for this week....

Why the Daniel plan is so important

I have never met Pastor Steve Willis. But there is something that he said that is haunting me. And I hope that it will haunt you too. Pastor Steve’s call to action is powerful, timely, and the shoe surely fits our community. We were poisoned by our public water...

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.