In this week's chapters of The Shepherd's Wife, Pheodora learns from her brother James that her husband is in prison. Last week we learned that Chiram was stopped by a tax collector and borrowed the one denarius assessed. On his way to Caesarea to purchase goats,...
Pastor Tommy
Life groups questions & notes
Listen to me, you that want to be saved, you that come to me for help. Think of the rock from which you came, the quarry from which you were cut. Isaiah 51:1-6 Questions for Life Groups Read Isaiah 51:1-6. Are you relatively new to Flint or are you a Flint stone? Who...
Worry: God cares about you
Pheodora wondered if God saw her as "one grain of sand on a vast shore, one point of light in an endless constellation?" After all, God was very busy watching over her nation, and that alone must be a big enough worry. Her country lost its independence long before she...
Life groups questions & notes
Who pays duties or taxes to the kings of this world? Matthew 17:24-27 Questions for Life Groups Read Matthew 17:24-27. Why do you think that Matthew shares this story? Any thoughts on why Peter answered the way he did? Why did Jesus pay the taxes if they weren’t owed?...
Pastor’s Book Club News
Our companion book for our new worship series is Angela Hunt's second book in her Jerusalem Road Series. The Shepherd's Wife retells the gospel stories through the eyes of two sisters. The sisters have one thing in common. Their older brother is a traveling prophet...
Freedom: Kings and Taxes
Every nation's history includes stories about how it first emerged to claim its identity as sovereign. And like all recorded history, what gets passed on skims over bits and pieces of the story. In particular, we generally prefer the version that makes us proud of the...
Coming Up in Worship
"Don't shoot the messenger," she said, noticing the look of pain on the faces of those let down by her news. No one I know wants to deliver bad news. The Prophet Isaiah seemed to understand this human reality when he said, "How beautiful upon the mountains are the...
Life groups questions & notes
I am the way, the truth, and the life…Now that you know me, you know God… John 14:1-14 Questions for Life Groups Read a portion of Jesus’ words spoken at the Last Supper in John 14:1-14. What does this text mean for you? How does this text affect what you tell people...
Oneness: Finding the Way
"Well, I guess it's over!" the man said, exasperated and out of breath. "But there's still time on the clock. We can't give up now!" she responded with winded enthusiasm. That's the problem with time. It has limits. When I think about it, it is consistent with almost...
Life groups questions & notes
Jesus went into the Temple and drove out those buying and selling. He overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the stools of those selling pigeons. Matthew 21:12-17 Questions for Life Groups Review the story of Jesus turning over tables in the temple in Matthew...