The Lord said to me, “Go down to the potter's house, where I will give you my message.” So I went there and saw the potter working at his wheel. Whenever a piece of pottery turned out imperfect, he would take the clay and make it into something else. Jeremiah 18:1-12...
Life Groups
Pastor’s Book Club News
We completed our series and discussions on The Wonder of Christmas. This series was written and produced by the Skit Guys as an Advent worship series, and we adapted their content for our use. As we move into 2023, our first book deals with a subject familiar to every...
Pastor’s Book Club News
We completed our reading and study of Pray Like Jesus. by The Rev. Dr. Robert L. Morris, Jr., the week before Thanksgiving. Our series, Pray, examined six prayers, said by Jesus, that help us become more consistent prayers. As we move into Advent, more commonly known...
Pastor’s Book Club News
Our worship series beginning in October focuses on prayer and our book club selection that accompanies our series is titled Pray Like Jesus. This book, written by Robert L. Morris, Jr., examines six prayers of Jesus, found in the Gospels, to help us become more...
Pastor’s Book Club News
As our 4-part series called Masterpiece comes to an end our new series calls for us to utilize our new discoveries for the benefit of the greater good. Getting along with each other is challenging at times. Hopefully, each of us left our study of the book I Think...
Pastor’s Book Club News
On the Wednesday after Easter, we began a new adventure into the slow but rewarding process of self-discovery assisted by author and therapist Aundi Kolber and her book Try Softer. In parallel to our worship series Masterpiece, our Book Club went deeper into the...
Pastor’s Book Club News
We began reading and discussing Praying with the Church by Scot McKnight as the Season of Lent started in March. We plan to finish our study next week and turn our attention to Easter. 1 We chose this book as a study during the Season of Lent because of the importance...
Pastor’s Book Club News
Our group finishes with Postcards from Babylon on the first Wednesday in March. Our next selection, Praying with the Church by Scot McKnight, will take us through Holy Week. Altogether we plan to spend seven weeks with this book. 1 Prayer is a practice that the vast...
Pastor’s Book Club News
We finished our discussions of Braving the Wilderness by Dr. Brené Brown. So now we’re ready for our February selection. The book that we’re using as a key resource for our series, the Way, is sure to spark interesting, if not controversial, discussion. In his book,...
Pastor’s Book Club News
Our theme for December was Going home. This theme led us into weekly conversations about home as we wrestled with what home means for each of us. In addition, we celebrated the Season of Advent by studying the ancient prophecies that promised the coming of the...