"You made me mess up!" the four-year-old says to her sister as the blocks she carefully placed into a work of art tumbles into a pile of chaos. "What did I do?" her sister shouts back. It starts young, as though blaming others is in the human DNA — a part of the...
Leftovers: Vaccines for the heart
According to an article provided by the Cleveland Clinic on their website, tears are an essential part of a healthy life. Dr. Michael Roizen, a wellness expert at the clinic, reminds us that tears help us see clearly, wash away debris, and alert others to our...
Tight: As close as underwear
As we continue our study of the Book of Jeremiah, this week's lesson challenges us with a couple of powerful metaphors — pottery and underwear. Jeremiah has his hands full. His job is to warn the people that they need to make some profound and challenging changes in...
First: Letting go of fakes
So far, 2021 seems to be a continuation of last year. While this may ordinarily be the case, it is not what I hoped would happen. The attack on our capital is undoubtedly a low point for our nation. An uglier reality is that our out-going president inspired and...
(hand)picked: Giving in to God’s plan
I suspect that most of us have a story or two about a time when we weren’t picked to be part of a group that we really wanted to join. For a lot of us we didn’t get picked to be on a team, or we got picked last when it came to picking sides. For others, we didn’t get...
Forever Yours: Coming December 27
It's time to pack up our decorations, put away the Nativity set, recycle the Christmas cards, and store or discard our Christmas trees. Christmas is over, and the New Year is right around the corner. Not so fast. Christmas isn't the end of a story about a birth....
Brighter: The Light of the world
A favorite tradition for Christmas Eve is to sing together by candlelight. Whether holding an actual candle, or one powered by a battery or enjoying burning candles from a safe distance, the soft glow of candlelight creates a reflective mood. Each year I look forward...
Hope in an unstable world: Coming January 3
There are many ways of characterizing the year 2020, but the word stability doesn't belong in the final cut. The words uncertainty and unstable are more accurate choices. Another word that kept trying to emerge, like the sun peeking through a cloudy and rainy day, was...
Good company: A stranger on the bus
Joan Elizabeth Osborne is an American singer, songwriter from a suburb just outside of Louisville, Kentucky. Born in 1962, Joan is best known for a song she recorded written by songwriter Eric Bazilian titled "One of Us" from her album, Relish, released in 1995. The...
Lifesaver: Good news for all
Analyzing what is behind the deep ideological divisions in our country is keeping researchers busy. In particular, the threats of violent responses from persons claiming to be justified in their anger. At no point in our history has a presidential election been so...