This weekend we celebrate the memories and show our gratitude to those who gave their lives in service to our country. While the core purpose of Memorial Day is about persons who died while serving in the U.S. military, most of us understandably celebrate the lives of...
Enough: Least to greatest
Niro Feliciano, a licensed social worker, offered in a post for Psychology Today three ways to want what you've got. But why only three? Are three ways really enough? Dr. Timothy Carey, a researcher, and professor of Clinical Psychology at Curtin University, also...
Enigma: Never give up
There are days when I'm ready to give up on our community. Even though I'm convinced, our community is filled with people wanting better circumstances and more than a few working very hard for change, there seem to be too many obstacles standing in the way. But our...
Gone fishing: Following Jesus
"You're not thinking clearly!" "You're being irrational!" "You need to stop being so emotional!" We might hear these expressions from friends or family who disagree with a decision we're making that doesn't make sense to them. The question is, do we listen to them and...
Waiting: The One
Are you a patient person? Or do you start to fidget when you're waiting, desperately trying to expel nervous energy? Some of us pace when anxious or just move our legs in place. Others simply can't wait and go about doing instead of waiting for someone else to do what...
Overflowing: Wine for everyone
Water is a necessity. Too little water, and we die. Too much water and we also die. And water, for most of us, is so basic that it’s, well, basic. So we add lemon to water. We chill, heat, and add tea leaves or coffee beans to change its flavor and composition. Water...
Missing: Searching for Jesus
Google "How much food should I cater for a wedding?" and you're apt to find a rule known as the the “25 to 50 Rule." This formula suggests feeding 50 to 75 percent of your anticipated guest count. But the answer I discovered also included the disclaimer, "Don't forget...
Coming up in Worship
According to scripture, Mary, the mother of Jesus, attended a wedding in Cana. The guest list was apparently quite long and included Jesus and other friends of the family, relatives, and friends of friends. Weddings lasted multiple days, and the groom was expected to...
Never the same: Quenching our thirst
It is customary during Holy Week to look back at what the first followers of Jesus witnessed. We imagine what it must have been like to see firsthand what appeared to be the end of their hope that Jesus Christ was and is the long-awaited Messiah. After all,...
A new era: Are you committed?
"We've been waiting for you?" Has anyone said these words to you? Perhaps your parents when you arrived home late, or a time when you arrived late for supper? This question is loaded with supposition. Context is everything. Asbury CDC was formed as a Michigan...