Coming Up in Worship

by | Aug 14, 2022

What would you do if you could do one project to improve our community that benefits all of us? Would your project take care of blight by removing abandoned and dilapidated buildings and houses? Would you enhance or eliminate streets where all of the homes are gone? Perhaps you would plant flowers on every street corner.

What resources would your project require? For example, would you need special equipment or knowledge? How many people will need to work together, so your project is possible?

We can do a lot together. But it takes cooperation and resources. And some of our dreams may require a miracle. But building a community of abundance and opportunity requires that we work together.

We have a dream for community here at Asbury, And we strive to connect our neighbors to God, to each other, to our shared earth and to each person’s created purpose.

Our vision is a revitalized community where every resident can use their talents and passions for the common good, where children grow into citizens who contribute to building and maintaining a vibrant neighborhood, and all residents are able to enjoy safety, good health, a culture that fosters life-long learning and satisfying lives.

If your vision for our community is captured in this ambitious statement we hope that we can find a way to work together for our common good.

Our new series takes us through September. In Together we’ll read parables told by Jesus in Luke chapter 13. We begin our series on August 21 with the Parable of the Fig Tree (Luke 13:6-9). And we ask the question, what does this story tell us about growing together?

After all, we’re at the peak of harvesting at Asbury Farms. How did our farm team manage to grow so much?

Over the next few weeks, we’ll explore the parables in Luke 13, looking for clues and inspiration that help us discover, plan, and accomplish great things together.

I pray that you will join us each Sunday morning at 10:30 am. We share our weekly episodes on our YouTube channel. We go live at 10:30 am. You can find these links along with more information about us, or join our live broadcast on our website at

Pastor Tommy


Candace Simpson. Who Can We Be Together? A Biblical Exploration of Luke 13. New York: United Methodist Women, 2022.

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.