
District Superintendent Installation

Rev. John Hice, Crossroads District Superintendent's Service of Installation will be held on Sunday, October 9, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. at DeWitt Redeemer UMC. Michigan United Methodists are invited to attend the Installation Service for the three new District...

Church Council

monthly church council meeting, will be in the Asbury Library starting at 6:30pm.

Fill Thanksgiving Baskets

Volunteers will get together in the Asbury Fellowship Hall to fill up to 20 baskets for families this thanksgiving season.

Worship Committee Meeting

Everyone involved in this committee please attend. It will be in the  Asbury Library and will start at 5:30pm

All Saints Day Celebration

The Asbury community honors those who have passed away during our All Saints Sunday worship services. Please contact our church office if you would like a loved one remembered during our service. We hope that you will join us.

SPRC Team Meeting

The Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) of Asbury will be meeting with Rev John Hice, our District Superintendent in the conference room (new Library). This is a closed meeting of individuals who are members of this team.

Church Conference 2016

The faith community of Asbury meets once per year with our District Superintendent to conduct the business of the church and affirm leaders for the coming year. Annual Church Conference will be meeting in the Sanctuary. The Staff Parish Relations Team (SPRC/PPRC) will...

Flint Festival of Quilts

Flint Festival of Quilts at Asbury UMC from September 8-10 at Asbury 1653 Davison Rd, display will be from 9am-5pm in the Asbury Parlor along with refreshments.

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.