
Community Help Center Distribution

The Asbury Help Center brings together health-related partners one day per week to give residents access to vital services, supplemental food, and bottled water. Community residents start lining up early on Minnesota Avenue to receive available items on a...

Christmas Eve by Candlelight

Christmas Eve by Candlelight

Join us in person or online for a special Christmas Eve service featuring great music and an inspiring message. We start at 6 pm. You can get to our YouTube Channel from our home page or by searching for FlintAsbury on YouTube.  We also broadcast live on Facebook.

District Lay Servant Training

this training will be held at Asbury UMC on Friday May 1st from 2pm to 9pm with a dinner at 6pm and Saturday May 2 from 8am to 6pm with lunch at 12Noon.


United Methodist Women meet the first Thursday of each month at 1pm.

Kearsley Park Neighborhood Assoc

KPNA will be meeting the 2nd Tuesday of every month starting January 14th until further notice. The meeting will be from 7 pm to 9pm in the Wesley Room.

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.