Life groups questions & notes

by | Dec 31, 2023

An angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and told him to take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt.
Matthew 2:1-23

Questions for Life Groups

  1. Read Matthew 2:1-23. What images come to mind as you read this text? Do you sometimes feel like you’re walking in darkness? Describe your feelings. What brings light for you? In what ways does this prophecy remind you of the Christmas Holidays?
  2. Read this week’s article titled Dreams. What are your dreams for the future? What must happen for you to live your dream? What obstacles stand in the way? Where did your dream come from? An actual dream?
  3. How can the members of your group help you this week and on-going to help you to be more receptive to hearing and understanding the Word of God? Pray for each other to have the Holy Spirit bless you with more courage.
A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.