Taking it to the Streets Planning Meeting

Bethel UMC 1309 N Ballenger Hwy, Flint, MI, United States

The time is now to prepare for our annual mission day event. This year Taking it to the Streets will take place on May 20, 2017. Plan to get involved in planning and organizing this important event.

Preparing the church for natural and man-made disasters Workshop

Bethel UMC 1309 N Ballenger Hwy, Flint, MI, United States

UMCOR (United Methodist Church Disaster Organization) is conducting a training session on preparing the church for natural and man-made disasters. This should be attended by Trustees, Finance, Communications, Ushers and any other helps ministry. It will take place,  Thursday (September 29th) at 8:30 am in Flint. It will be held at Bethel UMC.