Messages & Audio Teachings

Making Sense of Life

In the book we are using as a reference for our current worship and teaching series, Leading Causes of Life, the...

Life from Connections

The interaction between the causes of life described in the book that I am using for our teachings for our current...

Community Organizing

I attended a gathering last night with persons from other churches and nonprofits to talk about community organizing....

Life-long Learning

One of my most treasured divine blessings is that I am a "life-long learner." I long ago was able to put aside the...

Leading Causes of Life

I began another book this morning as I prepare for our next worship series at Asbury titled The Leading Causes of...

Gifts of the Dark Wood - The Gift of Uncertainty

1 Corinthians 13:11-12 (Uncertainty) and Matthew 14:22b-31a (Sinking)