Our companion book for our new worship series is Jeremy Duncan’s review of the Book of Revelations, titled Upside-Down Apocalypse: Grounding revelation in the gospel of peace. Amazon’s website describes his book this way: The book of Revelation—which deals on a cosmic...
Life groups questions & notes
I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep…I will look for those that are lost, bring back those that wander off, bandage those that are hurt, and heal those that are sick… Psalm 146 Questions for Life Groups Read Psalm 146 and reflect on what it means for you. What...
Strangers: Walls and bridges
I still remember the anxiety I felt leaving for vacation during the oil crisis. The Nixon administration reiterated US support of Israel in response to a Saudi threat to halt oil shipments. An oil embargo ensued, gas prices soared and long lines at gas stations became...
Coming up in Worship
Welcome to our long-awaited series, Revelations. While I’ve occasionally referred to scripture from this mysterious book this is the first time we’re dedicating multiple weeks to cover the entire book. Ready? First, Revelations may be one of the most theologically...
Life groups questions & notes
I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep…I will look for those that are lost, bring back those that wander off, bandage those that are hurt, and heal those that are sick… Ezekiel 34:1-19 Questions for Life Groups Read Ezekiel 34:1-19 and reflect on what it means in...
Leaders: Living by example
Country music singer Jason Aldean finally had a song make it to the US Billboard Hot 100, thanks in large part to a controversial video. Aldean didn’t write the lyrics for “Try That in a Small Town,” but he took the heat for filming a video in front of the Maury...
Life groups questions & notes
Watch out and guard yourselves from every kind of greed; because your true life is not made up of the things you own, no matter how rich you may be. Luke 12:13-15 Questions for Life Groups Read Luke 12:13-15 and reflect on what it means to you. Now read verses 16 to...
Humble & kind: ancient wisdom
Lori McKenna captured the essence of wisdom passed on by parents, grandparents, and guardians in her hit song, “Humble & Kind.” She won a Grammy for best Country Song, “Song of the Year” at 2016 CMA Awards and “Country Song of the Year” at 2016 American Music...
Life groups questions & notes
The Kingdom of heaven is like this…those who are last will be first, and those who are first will be last. Matthew 20:1-16 Questions for Life Groups Read Matthew 20:1-16. What thoughts and images come to mind as you read this text? Can you identify with the workers?...
Culture: A time of unsettledness
I enjoy tipping more than the cultural norm suggests. I’ve done this for most of my adult life and I realize that my ability to do this is one sign of my privileged life. But it’s still a choice. One change to my tipping habit changed because of COVID, however. After...